Ahmadbhai Lakhi(goramota),Sabera Harun Lakhi,and Sabera Yusuf Doriya passed away. |
Chotabhai Kika with family,Musabhai Baiyat with family,Molvi Musa jakda wit family Iqbal Musa Jakda,Abdul Muhammad Jakda, Yakub Baiyat with family.Tahir A.kadir Shaheri with family, Ismail Ibrahim Hafezi with family with family came from Canada.
MARRIAGE-ENGAGEMENT: Faiyaz Ilyas Bobat Dungriwala married with Mariyamben Umar at Leicester. |
DEATH(INNALILLAH) : Akujibhai Badat (Bhula) Khokharwala passed away. |
DEPARTURES : Ibrahim Fakir Patel (Wadi) went to Aalipore visit. |
CONGRATULATIONS : Mo. Harun Kola Lajporewala completed firsrt Hifz from Madina Academy Madressa. |
ARRIVAL:Ibrahimbhai Kariya return from India visit. |
DEPARTURES : Afzalbhai Simji went to India visit. |
Death of Haji Mohammed Ismaeel Nakhuda (Age 76) of Preston, UK on 6 November 2016 (7 Safar 1438). Originally from Tadkeshwar, resident in Preston, UK, since 1962. |
By the grace of almighty Allah, We are pleased to announce that the 69th Annual General Meeting of th Suratee Sunni Vohra Muslim Education Society, Surat will be held at A.Y.Dadabhai Technical Institute, Kosamba, Ta-Manrol, Dist-Surat on Sunday 29th January 2017 at 11:00 AM.
We feel proud to announce that community's belowed leader respected Janab Ahmedbhai M. Patel (Member of Parliament) will be "Chief Guest" of our gathering on this precious occasion. He will also inaugrate the New Administrative Building of A.Y.Dadabhai Technical Institute.
It is our privilage and pride to extend the invitation to our well wishers and donors from abroad and inland to grace the occasion with their kind presenceand deliht the function.
B.D.S |
Anas Nazir Bobat of M.Manrol Passed BDS exam taken through Nani Daman University at Vaidik Dental College, Nani Daman. He praises the community and his village. We congratulate him and wish all the success in the future ventures. |
Nilofar Muhamad Kaka, grand daughter of Marhum Ibrahim Ahmed Salehji (Variyav) Passed MBA exam taken through Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad. She praises the community and her village. We congratulate her and wish all the success in the future ventures. |
B. COM |
Shahin Salim Gangat, residence of Kharod Passed B.Com exam taken through Veer Nurmad South Gujarat University at M.K.Commerce College, Bharuch with 1st class. She praises the community and her village. We congratulate her and wish all the success in the future ventures. |
A HUMBLE APPEAL for under construct Administrative Building |

We spend about 10 to 12 crore Rupees in our A.Y.Dadabhai Technical Institute, Kosamba with your help and duas. Administrative building is near completion. We humbly appeal to our generous well wishers and donors to come open heartedly to help us and collect fund for this mega project. You can also donate and naming different rooms for Isale Sawab of your family Marhumeen.
1--Workshop-25 lakh
2--Laboratory-15 lakh
3--Seminar Hall 2-15 Lakh
4--Computer Lab-15 Lakh
5--Machine lab-15 Lakh
6--Environment Lab-15 Lakh
7--Chemestry Lab-15 Lakh
8--Applied Mechanics Lab-15
9-- Room- 5 Lakh and 7 Lakh
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