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A HUMBLE APPEAL for under construct Administrative Building
We spend about 10 to 12 crore Rupees in our A.Y.Dadabhai Technical Institute, Kosamba with your help and duas. Administrative building is near completion. Now at this stage we need 1 to 1.5 crore rupees(50 lakh debit) for completion of project. Hence we humbly appeal to our generous well wishers and donors to come open heartedly to help us and collect fund for this mega project. You can also donate and naming different rooms for Isale Sawab of your family Marhumeen.
1--Workshop-25 lakh
2--Laboratory-15 lakh
3--Seminar Auditorium 2 Hall-15 Lakh
4--Computer Lab-15 Lakh
5--Machine lab-15 Lakh
6--Environment Lab-15 Lakh
7--Chemestry Lab-15 Lakh
8--Applied Mechanics Lab-15 Lakh
9-- Room- 5 Lakh and 7 Lakh
Any work of society never stop due to Ruppes and I hope from Allah, never stop in future. Inshaallah.
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Taslima Gora Motala married at tadkeshwar.
Iqbal Adam Kazi passed away.
Muhammadbhai Ishak, Ibrahimbhai Surati, Musajibhai Surati, Saleh Ahmed Randeri and Ismail Kasim Harif from U.K.
Irfan Razakazi, Mariyamben Mulla Daud A.kadar Ishak and Ismail A.Kadar Chamadiya from South Africa.
Ismail Ahmed Shaikh, Ilyas Usman Nana and Anisa Muhammad Doba from Canada.
KATHOR-- At Raunakul Islam, Kathor a meeting held under the chairmanship of Mv. Hanif Luharvi after Qirat introduction & reception given by Mv. Arshad Doba then after Mv. Ismail Asmal Saheb accepted & praise Jamiat works and Mv. Hanif Saheb appeal to come forward and help Jamiat with open hearted. Many attendance celebrities offer their shares.
ALUNJ--Foundation laying ceremony held on 18.10.15 by Mufti Salahuddin Tadkehwari shaeb.
KOSADI-- Jamia Islamia Isha’atul Uloom, Akkalkuwa managed Mv. Husain Ahmed Madni High School, Kosadi block resort centre, Mangrol and GIPCL manage deep trust Nani Naroli at Taluka vibhag level the Maths, Science exhibition held  on 30.9.15 in which 79 school to part.
Suhel Ismail Gangat Passed Master of Pharmacy exam taken through Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad. Congratulation for his Achievement..
Suhana Salim Sidat passed Diplima in Electronics & communication(E.C.) from Goverment Polytechnic for Girls, Surat. Congratulation for her Achievement..

Afreen Abu Murad achieved under 12 cadet Table Tennis state Ranking Gandhinagar(Kutchh).
She will go to West Bengal for take part in National open. Earlier she has so many goals in this game.
Ayaz Abu Murad at Gandhinagar under 14 groups Surat city school games runner up out of the 28 teams. Gujarat Team will go to Andhra Pradesh for play is national school games. Committee members and Secretary Mr. Sullu Bharucha greeted them.
CANADA (Presented by Mr. Muhammad Vadia Saheb)
In various services of Public sector Mrs. Hajra Khote is became a 1st Lady Councilor of Leicester, U.K.
Prior to this she became councilor of Heccny (London) area in 1986 also she is only a Asian Lady have this post.
At Darussalam Masjid Thorncliffe in presence of guest Mv.Ibrahim Madni (D.B.) & 9 Talbaas offer oath of Hifzul Quraan Degree. It happen possible by great efforts there Ustad-e-Kiraam Mv. Imran appreciate all attendance brief report on progress made by Madressa.Mv. Ismail Kotwal Saheb gave thanks giving speech and finally meeting is end with a testy Lunch.
Well wishers and Mohtamim of Madinah Masjid organized a tour for sightseeing and arrange to go to Niagra Fall & Fish aquarium. It is a free tour provide by Canada Government bearing all the expenses.On this occasion Janab Muhammad Vadia Saheb very enjoyable to old and young. This tour served very fruitful.

 The definition of Islam
The root of the word Islam, silm, refers to "making peace, being in a mutually peaceful environment, greetings, rescue, safety, being secure, finding peace, reaching salvation and well being or being far from danger, attaining goodness, comfort and favor, keeping away from troubles and disasters, submitting the self and obeying, respect, being far from wrong." The "submitting the self and obeying" here means "submitting to justice and righteousness in order to reach peace and safety and being in a peaceful environment by one's free will." In fact, salaam and salaamat, mean "to reach salvation," and their rubai form (with four radical letters) aslama means "submitted, became Muslim, and made peace." "Islam" as either a noun or a verb with these meanings is mentioned in many verses in the Qur'an.1

Social peace
In Islam, the right to life is an absolute value: He who kills a soul unless it be (in legal punishment) for murder or for causing disorder and corruption on the earth will be as if he had killed all humankind; and he who saves a life will be as if he had saved the lives of all humankind (Qur'an 5:32). 

When the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) explained Islam's potential to contribute to safety and peace in society, he specified one goal in his time as the following: "A rider will travel from Sana'a (a city in Yemen) to Hadhramaut (a region in the southwest of the Arabian peninsula) fearing none but God, or a wolf as regards his sheep."11

If we consider the troubles due to the extreme violence Muslims were exposed to both in the Medinan and Meccan periods, we can understand how meaningful was this message expressed by the Prophet. It does not include any desire for revenge against any person or any group; instead, it only expresses an ardent desire for a violence-free world for all. 

The Prophet commanded us to maintain social solidarity and cooperation, to open our hearts to our fellows, and to help one another at all times. He said, "Do not cut relations between each other! Do not turn your backs on each other! Do not grow hatred between each other! O God's servants! Become brothers and sisters!"12

The Qur'an emphasizes peace and reconciliation as basic to all social and even international relations. As mentioned in the Qur'an, Paradise, which is the reward for the pious, is a place of serenity. One of the ninety-nine names of God is Salaam, which means peace. Throughout history, Muslims have made every effort to establish peace and serenity everywhere in all divergent fields, only taking military measures when their enemies tried to hinder these efforts for humankind. Over the course of history, the general approach of Muslims has been supportive of maintaining peace, spreading an environment of serenity and trust, and constructing a civilization of love, compassion, and mercy to share with other people in peace. 

Source: Professor Huseyin Algul, Faculty member, specializing in Islamic History, in the Department of Theology at Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey..
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